

TITLE : QEC2 (Quick & Easy for  Calvin cycle) 

QEC2 (Quick & Easy for  Calvin cycle)   is an interactive tool that incorporates QR code into various assignments and activities to help students  to understand  Calvin Cycle (Light Independent Reaction) in topic Photosynthesis.  The usage of this tool not only peaks student engagement, but it allows for independent learning or self-guided learning. In addition, it allows the teacher more time to work individually with students without interruption. The QEC2 also plays a role as a hand-on teaching aid that helps students to visualize the arrangement of carbon atom in the compound in each step of the cycle. This study had been carried out for students from Module I and Module III of session 2017/2018. A significance results that shows improvement in students’ understanding were obtained from pre & post-test. There is an increase in number of students who scored 8 marks and above approximately 94% in the post-test compared to 84% failed to obtain more than 5 marks in the pre-test . From the post-test that had been carried out, it is proven that QEC2  has improved students understanding and ability to visualize the formation of compounds involved in Calvin cycle. Beside that QEC2 helps the students to describe the phases and reaction involved in Calvin cycle more accurately.
Keywords : Calvin cycle, Reduction,Regeneration,Oxidation, Rubber seed, Quick Response(QR)  codes

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